• 藝術指導與編舞

編舞/王國權WANG Kuo-chuan

比利時Company Charleroi Danse 舞團、瑞士盧森歌劇院(Luzerner Theater),表演足跡遍及歐、亞、美、非四大洲。

且六次為高雄城市芭蕾舞團「點子鞋Dance Shoe」系列編創作品。2015、2019「高雄春天藝術節」樂舞計畫,也曾為虹薇舞團、蒂摩爾古薪舞集、左派、索拉舞蹈空間、國際青年編舞營、豆子劇團、台南廖末喜舞團、蘭陵芭蕾舞團、薪傳舞團、高雄師範大學、台南應用科技大學與奧地利導演Nikolaus Adler共同創作《第五元素》、左營高中、中華藝校、家齊女中、嘉義女中、三信高商、苓雅國中…等學校團體編舞,並多次擔任大學和台灣舞蹈比賽的評審委員。


Constantin Georgescu康斯坦丁

Constantin Georgescu is a Romanian choreographer, video artist and dance teacher,

currently based in Austria.


Initially educated in Vaganova method of classical dance in Bucharest, Romania, he holds

an MA in dance pedagogy and is currently a candidate for an artistic Doctorate at the

Anton Bruckner University in Linz, Austria. His work as dancer and performer has brought

him in contact with various stylistic and choreographic signatures, from ballet, to

contemporary dance and dance-theatre. Before commencing his work as a free-lance

artist, he has been a dancer at different state companies such as Romanian National

Ballet in Bucharest, “Oleg Danovschi” Ballet Theatre in Constanta, and the German dance

companies of state theatres in Augsburg, Saarbrücken, Braunschweig and Bremen.

During this time he has been working with choreographers such as Urs Dietrich, Emanuel

Gat, Marco Goecke, Tero Saarinen, Constanza Macras, Marguerite Donlon and many



He started choreographing in 2000, when he received “Choreography Prize” at the

Constanta International Dance Competition. His choreographies are approaching a variety

of artistic directions, from ballet performances and contemporary dance creations, to

multi-media installations and dance video.


In 2006 he started his work as video designer, creating dance videos, stage video-design

or documentaries. He won several awards at different competitions (Main Prize Idill Dance

Video Competition, Brussels 2009, Second Prize and Cinema Prize at Choreographic

Captures Competition in Munich 2014, Prize for Innovation at Idill Dance Video

Competition, Brussels 2011) and his films have been invited at many international



Constantin worked as rehearsal director and training coordinator at the companies of

Sankt Gallen (Marco Santi) and Landestheater Linz (Mei Hong Lin). He is teaching

movement improvisation, contemporary dance and classical dance at different

companies, schools and universities. He is currently contemporary dance teacher at the

Institute for Dance Arts at ABPU in Linz, and he is invited as guest teacher and

choreographer internationally.



編舞/ 張慈妤
多次演出黎海寧、彭錦耀、伍宇烈、梅卓燕、潘少輝、楊春江、余仁華、馮姬莤思瑪、修芭娜 嘉亞辛等著名編舞家的作品中的獨舞及雙人舞部份。以及曹誠淵、舒巧合編的舞劇三毛(飾演三毛),並多次參與城市當代舞團編舞工作,和為業餘舞團編舞及授課。2006年被舞團指派隻身前往英國倫敦與修芭娜嘉亞辛工作三星期。2007年參加廣東舞蹈節,並授課。
國立臺灣藝術學院舞蹈系畢業,美國加州聖荷西州立大學表演藝術碩士。五歲起隨張秀如老師習舞。為首位進入美國知名荷西‧李蒙現代舞團之東方舞者。曾獲文建會優秀人才出國獎學金,加州聖荷西大學榮譽畢業生,高雄市文藝獎,國立臺灣藝術學院傑出校友人物,及美國世界日報傑出華人舞蹈家報導。 曾擔綱荷西‧李蒙舞團五十周年慶巡迴歐美演出,李蒙西岸舞團創團首演,舊金山劇院演出編舞家凱薩林羅薩克舞作及聖荷西歌劇院作品費德拉等大型製作。 多次擔任高雄城市芭蕾舞團客席編舞家,創作現代芭蕾『四季』、『祭』,『傾城之戀』。
1999年獲國家文藝基金會贊助,舉辦臺灣全省巡迴李蒙舞蹈技巧研習營, 及國內首演荷西‧李蒙名作『鄧肯之舞』,2000年獲國家文藝基金會個人創作補助『當東方遇到西方』,2001年應邀參加國立臺灣藝術大學校慶演出,2002年製作『舞在一瞬間!』受邀參與第八屆皇冠藝術節演出, 2003年成立林向秀舞團,於國家劇院實驗劇場創團首演『林家花園』,同時入選新點子舞展女編舞組,演出獨舞『Wait for me!』,並應邀為國立臺灣藝術大學舞蹈系年度公演創作『夜行』。2004年於國家劇院實驗劇場演出林向秀舞團年度公演『身體戰爭!』、2005邀請昔日舞伴,前荷西李蒙首席男舞者Robert Regala ,及加拿大籍舞蹈家Joelle Arnush來台授課,並合作演出『混、東西』獲新點子舞展邀演並巡迴桃園、高雄等地。 2006年度公演「信不信由你」-再次邀請Robert Regala,Joelle Arnush,及周書毅演出,並獲邀赴美參與SJSU/ Dance Work演出。2007年,於台大鹿鳴劇場演出年度公演「傾斜-Tilt 」並巡迴桃園、雲林等地 ,並擔任兩廳院二十周年慶舞蹈雙重奏編舞家,創作「金婚紀念日」,同年9月,應邀為高雄城市芭蕾舞團編創大型舞劇「牡丹亭」。
高雄市人,舞蹈啟蒙於張秀如老師。 一九八三年,十七歲,加入雲門成為專職舞者,二十三年來,演出逾千場,是雲門最資深,演出場次最高的舞者。 九○年代以來,李靜君在雲門擔綱獨舞,以精湛的舞技與細膩的詮釋,創造了許多重要的角色:「九歌」中的女巫,「家族合唱」中的「黑衣」,「烟」中追憶往事的婦人,「行草」中的雙人舞,「行草 貳」及「狂草」中的獨舞,竹夢中的「午夜」,「流浪者之歌」中的獨舞「禱告Ⅱ」,「紅樓夢」中的紅衣女子,以及「焚松」中的「守護神Ⅰ」等。 一九八八、
九○年,兩度獲台北ICRT「青春之星」藝術獎學金。一九九五年,李靜君被媒體藝文記者選為「舞台上最亮的舞者」之一。一九九七年獲頒高雄市文藝獎。 二○○四年九月,李靜君榮獲國家文藝獎,成為第一個得到文藝獎的舞蹈表演者。今年一月,獲中央社評選為二○○五年文化藝術「十大潛力人物」之一。
李靜君曾兩度赴英國進修,一九九○年以榮譽獎獲得倫敦大學拉邦中心舞蹈學士,一九九九年獲該中心碩士學位。留學期間,與英國編舞家Lea Anderson工作,赴巴黎參與慶祝法國革命二百週年的演出;與加拿大籍舞台設計家Tania Etienne合作,編作並演出獨舞「珍珠之庭」。一九九五年為高雄城市芭蕾舞團編作「對話Ⅰ、Ⅱ」。一九九六年為雲門編作「女男.男女」,同年於聚點舞團發表「當白色湧現時」,二○○五年高雄城市芭蕾舞團發表「起風的時候」。
2005 高雄城市芭蕾舞團創作芭蕾【傾城之戀】創作「落葉的愛」、「海上花開」 
2005驫舞劇場演出 2005高雄城市芭蕾舞團
2004高雄城市芭蕾舞團浪漫芭蕾【仙女La Sylphide】演出 
2004點子鞋創作【Invisible Man】 
2003高雄城市芭蕾舞團創作【仙女們】&【祭禮Part 2】 
2001~2002加入紐約Feld’s ballet Tech舞團 
1997~1998擔任【黑暗王國La Bayade’re】首席舞者 
1995年參加KCB演出【海盜】、【青鳥】雙人舞 11歲進入張秀如舞蹈中心

編舞/王國權WANG Kuo-chuan

比利時Company Charleroi Danse 舞團、瑞士盧森歌劇院(Luzerner Theater),表演足跡遍及歐、亞、美、非四大洲。

且六次為高雄城市芭蕾舞團「點子鞋Dance Shoe」系列編創作品。2015、2019「高雄春天藝術節」樂舞計畫,也曾為虹薇舞團、蒂摩爾古薪舞集、左派、索拉舞蹈空間、國際青年編舞營、豆子劇團、台南廖末喜舞團、蘭陵芭蕾舞團、薪傳舞團、高雄師範大學、台南應用科技大學與奧地利導演Nikolaus Adler共同創作《第五元素》、左營高中、中華藝校、家齊女中、嘉義女中、三信高商、苓雅國中…等學校團體編舞,並多次擔任大學和台灣舞蹈比賽的評審委員。


Constantin Georgescu康斯坦丁

Constantin Georgescu is a Romanian choreographer, video artist and dance teacher,

currently based in Austria.


Initially educated in Vaganova method of classical dance in Bucharest, Romania, he holds

an MA in dance pedagogy and is currently a candidate for an artistic Doctorate at the

Anton Bruckner University in Linz, Austria. His work as dancer and performer has brought

him in contact with various stylistic and choreographic signatures, from ballet, to

contemporary dance and dance-theatre. Before commencing his work as a free-lance

artist, he has been a dancer at different state companies such as Romanian National

Ballet in Bucharest, “Oleg Danovschi” Ballet Theatre in Constanta, and the German dance

companies of state theatres in Augsburg, Saarbrücken, Braunschweig and Bremen.

During this time he has been working with choreographers such as Urs Dietrich, Emanuel

Gat, Marco Goecke, Tero Saarinen, Constanza Macras, Marguerite Donlon and many



He started choreographing in 2000, when he received “Choreography Prize” at the

Constanta International Dance Competition. His choreographies are approaching a variety

of artistic directions, from ballet performances and contemporary dance creations, to

multi-media installations and dance video.


In 2006 he started his work as video designer, creating dance videos, stage video-design

or documentaries. He won several awards at different competitions (Main Prize Idill Dance

Video Competition, Brussels 2009, Second Prize and Cinema Prize at Choreographic

Captures Competition in Munich 2014, Prize for Innovation at Idill Dance Video

Competition, Brussels 2011) and his films have been invited at many international



Constantin worked as rehearsal director and training coordinator at the companies of

Sankt Gallen (Marco Santi) and Landestheater Linz (Mei Hong Lin). He is teaching

movement improvisation, contemporary dance and classical dance at different

companies, schools and universities. He is currently contemporary dance teacher at the

Institute for Dance Arts at ABPU in Linz, and he is invited as guest teacher and

choreographer internationally.